Wednesday, June 13, 2012

an answer in the question

Question and Answer. They go in pairs. Like bread and jam, syrup and pancake, curry and kicap.
# Okay I'm hungry right now :P

Today I stayed back at MSU with my dear friend Farahiyah. The original plan was to only accompany her. But things turned out to be different.
We went to U-Shop. I bought a Snickers Snack Bar and some A4 papers. Miss Farahiyah bought some cashew nuts which when she offered me some, I told her that up until now, I can only throw up whenever I see that strange-bell-looking nuts. Sorry Farah.

We did something wrong. Totally wrong. Well since this was Farah's first time, and I was a pro; I thought her how to make it right even though it's wrong.
We ate in the library. My snack bar and her Cashew Nuts (ugh). HAHA
(Farah convinced me hundred times that the scanners at the entrance of the library would start to beep loudly if they detect any food substance being brought in, but I convinced her thousands time that it wouldn't)

Then after some time, when we spent our two hours time in the library, she started talking to me.

" Anin, i dreamt of myself going to a war. It was scary yet that was something I wanted to do. I mean, if we go for a war in the name of Islam, then if we died in action, that would be Syahid. Right?"

"Well, of course. I want to go for a war also. To Palestine. To fight for Islam and die Syahid. I want to actually feel the passion-  the strong passion that somehow can overcome our fear towards anything and fight till the last drop of blood. That will be so warrior-ish and cool and awesome"

"Anin, ever asked yourself why aren't you there instead of here?"


"It's obvious Anin. We were not meant to be there. We were not meant to fight for Palestine and died Syahid. Allah knew that we, you and me, can never survive or at least take up the burden of the war, the fight, that place- everything. Allah knew we can't. So instead, He put us here, in MSU. To study and excel, cause He knew that both of us are capable of it. "

"Hey, that's SO true. So that's why I'm here and not there.   .   .   ."

"It goes the same to anything else Anin. If we asked out a question to Allah, there's already an answer in it. 

Why didn't I succeed? Because Allah knew I would be arrogant if I succeed.
Why am I taking the course that I'm not interested in? Because Allah knew that the one that you wanted to are not the best for you.
Why am I at MSU but not at a better university? Because Allah knew that you're going to find your success here but not in other place.


It took me deep. Up until now I started to think the logic of it. How ALLAH arranged only the best for us in our life. That's why my ibu said to me that ALLAH KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU.
Subhanallah. Alhamdulillah.

People, I don't know about you guys, but Allah had opened one of my doors today. And now I see another beauty of being a Muslim- and indeed Islam is Beautiful.


Sunday, June 3, 2012


pergh, sabar je dapat pahala, TAHAN SABAR pun dapat pahala ?!!

Selama aku menempuh hari2 yang agak dan sangat mencabar sebagai seorang 'part-time-mommy' kepada 3 budak-budak-budak kat rumah ni (termasuk seekor binatang ^^), nak BERSABAR tu rasa susahhhhhhhhhhh sangat. Serious aku tabik kat orang-orang yang boleh bersabar ni.

Five little words with SUPER HUGE meaning. *fuh

For me, being patience is by thinking positively out of all negative possibilities. Which is hard. Arghhhhh, macam mana nak jadi seorang yang penyabar dan penuh dengan kesabaran ????

Actually, to be a person with patience is to have PRACTICE.
Nak jadi sabar kena berlatih la jadi sabar~


Jadi, lepas ni, aku nk perbanyakkan puasa-puasa sunat. Berlatih jd orang yg bersabar. Doa pun kene jgk, supaya Allah pupuk hati kita, jd mudah sabar dan x cepat gelabah.

Fikir positif drpd negatives outcomes yg ada
Tenangkan hati
Tak marah
Tak gelabah
Boleh tunggu lagi lama
Boleh tahan dengan kerenah orang2 yg mengada
Lastly, dapat pahala :)
