Wednesday, July 31, 2013


It kills. Really. It does.
When a person starts to expect something out of some things.. (*y'noe what I mean*) it's like they booked a ticket for their heartbreak show - soon.

Obviously, people start to expect things that are not finish yet. That's why they tend to make up their very own endings based on their hopes.

Try to think, by expecting (hoping) somethings, you can be dissapointed and heartbroken whats worst -
you gave up.

For not achieving the expectations.
Sounds very unhealthy to me.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I.S.B.S Disease

Tak tahu cerita lg ke ?
Ni disease terbaru di pasaran masa kini.

I . S . B . S Disease
I Should Be Studying Disease

Yeah yeah I know,
the clock is ticking
the time is wasting
there's more to read by now
and yet
I'm bored ( haha )

So, Professionals is 33 days away and I'm obviously struggling not only to finish the syllabus but to beat out my laziness of reading each line and memorizing every bits of facts that may or may not come out in the finals.
I know that's not good.
But hey, you can't be all Rajin all the time right?

Okay. Enough babbling. Logging out. Wish me luck for Professionals Exam 1 people :)